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My Kindergarten Class

First, let me give you the dynamics of my class.  I have 24 students.  They are between the ages of 5 and 6.   My class is 88% Hispanic = 21 students, 4% African American = 1 student, 8% Other (Asian & Indian) = 2 students.

At the beginning of the year, the majority of my students do not speak english and I do NOT speak spanish.   I bet you are wondering "How do we communicate?"  Well children that young can easily adapt.  The best time for a child to learn a second language is when they are very young.  By the end of the year, 100% of my children are bilingual.  The children that do not speak English, speaks and understand it.  The children that do not speak Spanish, are not fluent but they understand and speak a little of Spanish.  It is truly amazing.  Me as the teacher also pick up on some words.

I sit and listen to the children speak in their native tongue.  Even though I don't speak spanish I can understand their conversation.  I know when they are saying things that they are not suppose to say.   I do have bilingual children that come on the first day.  It is usually because they attended Pre-K.  Sometimes they also have 1 parent that speaks English.

Language is a BIG challenge in my job but it is a GOOD challenge.  I wish I was a fluent spanish speaker because I can't  communicate with the parents like I want to without a translator.  A lot of non-verbal communication is lost in the translation.  I am in the process of learning Spanish with Rosetta Stone but learning a 2nd language at my age is a challenge.  I can understand it, but I am not able to speak it.
