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Friday, 3/7/13 - Measurement

The highlight of our day was Measurement.  The kids had a blast.

Measurement Lesson

Common Core Standard: MD1

Materials:  Balance scale, linking cubes, white board erasers, crayons, color pencils, erasers, scissors, and pencils.

First, the students had to estimate how many linking cubes it would take to EQUAL a given item.  Then they had to actually do the measurement.  The students had to place an item in one side of the scale and place linking cubes in the other side until both sides are equal.  My students LOVE hands on activities.  They were in  4 groups with 1 scale per group.  I had to assign group captains because my students FIGHT over anything.  So I assign captains so there would only be 1 person touching the materials at a time. I wish I had taken pics but I forgot.  Sorry.  In the future, I will try and post a visual.
